Barbara and Joseph Cerno Acoma Polychrome Pot
Barbara Cerno was born October 20, 1951. Joseph Cerno was born January 30, 1947.
They have been making traditional Acoma pottery since their late teens... well over 40 years.
Annie Creno was their teacher. The Cerno's have won awards at every major Southwest Pottery show
including Santa Fe Indian Market, The Gallup Ceremonials and The New Mexico State Fair.
The Cerno's are considered among the finest living Acoma potters today. Their pottery is extremely
thin walled (which is a major part of the challange for many Native American potters). The result
of that
is a
wonderful ring that seems to last forever when you gently tap it.
The designs are very well balanced and executed... simply beautiful works of the Acoma pottery.
It should be noted too that the Cernos never mass produced their pottery but rather focused
each pot as a work of art. These are collectible pots by every measure of that endeavor.
This is a large pot measuring 8 1/2" tall x 8" wide
It was made in 2007 and is in very fine condition.
Provenance - This pottery Collection (the 2 Cerno's, the Lucy Lewis, and the Shupla / Komalestewa)
originally came from the John D Kennedy Collection. Mr and Mrs Kennedy are
pictured below.
John Kennedy, at one
point in his career, partnered with CG Wallace